Impact of STCR based application of organic and inorganic nitrogen on growth, productivity and profitability of wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.)] in Eastern IGP of India
Manish Kakraliya, Rajesh Singh, Meena Choudhary, Manoj Kumar Gora, KK Bijarnia, Sankar Lal Choudhary and Rohan Serawat
A field experiment was conducted during the winter season of 2017-18 at the student’s instructional farm of research farm, SHUATS, Prayagraj (U.P.), to find a suitable combination of inorganic and organic nitrogen sources for wheat (Triticum aestivm L.). The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with 12 treatment combinations, consisting of three nitrogen levels (100,125 and 150 kg N ha-1) on soil test basis (STB) compared to farmer practice (FP) and nitrogen management viz. 100% N through urea, 75% N through urea + 25% N through vermin-compost with Azotobacter (seed inoculation).The growth and yield attributes viz. plant height (22.0 cm), dry matter production (198.2 g m-2), tillers (204.4 m-2), crop-growth rate (2.78 g m-2 day), and yield attributes viz. grains spike-1 were recorded significantly higher with 150 kg N ha-1 (farmer practice) when applied 100% N through urea over the treatments. Similarly, highest grain yield (45.6 q ha-1) and harvest index also recorded with T11. However, leaf area index (1.59), effective tillers, straw yield (76.3 q ha-1) and biological yield recorded significantly higher in T12 {150 kg N ha-1 (farmer practice) 75% N through urea + 25% N through vermin-compost with Azotobacter (seed inoculation)}. The experimental result reveals this saving of nitrogen by 17 to 32 kg ha-1 through soil test based application, while without any significant effect on growth and yield of wheat was noticed. The lowest cost of cultivation recorded with T1 (Rs 28,560 ha-1) {100 kg N ha-1 (STB) 100% N through urea, whereas higher in T12. Net returns found higher with T11 (Rs 58,290 ha-1) and found at par with T5 {150 kg N ha-1 (STB) 100% N through urea} and T9 {150 kg N ha-1 (STB) 100% N through urea.
How to cite this article:
Manish Kakraliya, Rajesh Singh, Meena Choudhary, Manoj Kumar Gora, KK Bijarnia, Sankar Lal Choudhary and Rohan Serawat. Impact of STCR based application of organic and inorganic nitrogen on growth, productivity and profitability of wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.)] in Eastern IGP of India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(2S): 134-139.