Abstract:The up growing countries women plays important role in supporting to their family economic support, by secondary agriculture special knowledge to the value and diverse use of plants and nutrition, health and income. They have knowledge of value addition and preserving products through horticultural crop.
By food processing through value addition reduction of food losses and adding diversity of diet by giving required vitamins and minerals. They preserved the produce of kitchen gardens and process fruits and vegetables thereby providing energy for body building nutrients. During the season fresh nutritional value yields are available for preserving which are promptly properly preserve to improve the status of living rural food processing low cost gives excellent opportunity. The enhancement of status of backward landless labour class will be using this as an opportunity in getting employment in their house for financial support in his families.
It view of the above technology for in horticultural crop use in secondary agriculture by food processing through value addition in was assessed at KVK Jabalpur for motivation of rural women for self employment and income growth under this they prepared 2-3 times of the initial investment. This will meet their day to day needs/savings.