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Vol. 11, Special Issue 1 (2022)

Seedling quality and growth of sandalwood in response to integrated nutrient management

Govind Bose, VM Prajapati, MB Tandel, JG Pathak and MR Parmar
Present investigation was carried out to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on seedling quality and growth parameter of Sandalwood seedling. Twelve treatment combinations along control were used to study seedling quality index, root length shoot length ratio, shoot root ratio along with plant height, collar diameter and number of leaves per plant. Among different treatment combinations, maximum seedling quality index (0.127), root length shoot length ratio (0.837), shoot root ratio on dry weight bases (3.013) were recorded in T10 (1 g NPK + Vermicompost @ 25 g/ seedling), T6 (Azospirillum @ 10 g/seedling) and T1 (1.0 g of NPK / Seedling), respectively. The plant height, collar diameter and number of leaves per plant were increased with Integrated Nutrient Management (INM). Maximum percentage increase in growth parameters was found in T10 (1 g NPK + Vermicompost @ 25 g/ seedling) at 90,120 at 150 DAT. While, minimum growth parameter was reported under control condition.
Pages: 1220-1224  |  808 Views  511 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Govind Bose, VM Prajapati, MB Tandel, JG Pathak and MR Parmar. Seedling quality and growth of sandalwood in response to integrated nutrient management. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(1S): 1220-1224.

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