Profile characteristics of the farm women in adoption of improved animal husbandry practices in Saurashtra region of Gujarat
Dr. Diksha Sharma, Dr. BN Kalsariya, Dr. Sonika Sharma and Dr. GR Gohil
Animal husbandry implies as the second largest remuneration and is likely to be the instruments of future growth and development of the agricultural sector in rural areas. Many of the important tasks in animal husbandry are performed by women besides their responsibilities as home makers. Women play an important role in animal husbandry activities as manager, decision makers and skilled workers. Yet women are, generally, underrepresented in education, policy and decision-making levels. So, keeping this in view present study was conducted on profile characteristics of farm women. The study was conducted in two districts viz. Junagadh and Gir somnath in south Saurashtra region of Gujarat.. Total 12 villages from four talukas and two talukas from each district were selected randomly for the study. From each selected village, 10 farm women were selected. Thus, total sample size was 120 respondents. The finding of the research study revealed that in case personal and socio-economic characteristics, more than two-third (67.50 per cent) of farm women belonged to middle age group, functionally to primary level of education (70.84 per cent), medium and large size of family (76.66 per cent) and medium and high level of dairy experience (85.00 per cent). Three-fifth respondents had small to semi-medium land holding (60.84 per cent), less than half (43.34 per cent) of women were having medium size herd, medium level annual income (64.16 per cent) and less than half (46.67 per cent) of farm women had low social participation. With reference to communication characteristics, majority of farm women (61.66 per cent) had medium level of extension participation and mass media exposure (60.84 per cent). Majority (58.34 per cent) of farm women had medium and high level of economic motivation, medium level of risk orientation (55.84 per cent) regarding to adoption of improved animal husbandry practices.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Diksha Sharma, Dr. BN Kalsariya, Dr. Sonika Sharma and Dr. GR Gohil. Profile characteristics of the farm women in adoption of improved animal husbandry practices in Saurashtra region of Gujarat. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(1S): 1069-1073.