Performance of different tuberose cultivars for flowering parameters under Malwa Plateau of Madhya Pradesh
Ekta Rajput, Anuj Kumar, RK Sharma, Roshan Gallani and Saransh Saxena
An experiment entitled “Performance of different tuberose cultivars for flowering parameters under Malwa Plateau of Madhya Pradesh” was carried out during 2019-20 at RVSKVV – College of Horticulture, Mandsaur (MP). Experiment were consist 10 cultivars and these treatments were replicated three times in Randomized Block Design and analyzed. Data raveled that V7 show the best performance with respect of most of the parameters i.e. spike length, spike girth, rachis length, number of florets per spike, number of spike per plant, length of florets, number of open florets per spike, percentage of open florets per spike, fresh weight of spike and dry weight of spike, while the minimum days taken to spike emergence, days taken to opening of first floret and maximum diameter of florets was observed under the cultivar V1 Arka Nirantra.
How to cite this article:
Ekta Rajput, Anuj Kumar, RK Sharma, Roshan Gallani and Saransh Saxena. Performance of different tuberose cultivars for flowering parameters under Malwa Plateau of Madhya Pradesh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(1S): 909-912.