Vol. 11, Special Issue 1 (2022)
Gross and histo-pathological changes in experimental haemonchosis in goat
A Hafiz, DN Kalita, B Dutta and M Islam
In our study 24 numbers of goats were experimentally infected with L3 Haemonchus contortus larvae. During the research work four numbers of infected goats were sacrificed after 25th day of infection. Numerous Haemonchus contortus parasite were observed in abomasal wall even in between abomasal folds with pin point ulcers oedematous swelling and redness due to biting by Haemonchus contortus were recorded as grossly. Histo-pathologically changes were observed like the mucosal lining epithelium of the abomasum of infected animals was partially lost in some of the sections and glandular structure of the epithelium was also damaged. There were infiltrations of mononuclear cells predominantly with eosinophils in the biting lesion along with necrosis of epithelium and glandular lumens filled with homogenous masses.
How to cite this article:
A Hafiz, DN Kalita, B Dutta and M Islam. Gross and histo-pathological changes in experimental haemonchosis in goat. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(1S): 724-726.