Cost and returns of mulberry and cocoon production in Chikkaballapura and Kolar districts
Architha S and Dr. C Murthy
The present study was conducted to study the cost and returns of mulberry and cocoon production in Chikkaballapura and Kolar districts which was purely based on the primary data collected in year 2020-21 from the sericulture farmers and intermediaries. A random sampling procedure was adopted for selection of talukas, villages and sample farmers. In Chikkaballapura district two talukas were selected with 50 farmers and 10 intermediaries from each markets, in Kolar district two talukas were selected with 50 farmers and 10 intermediaries were selected from each markets. In case of cost and returns comparison was done with traditional and improved method in mulberry cultivation and cocoon production. The cost of mulberry cultivation was found to be ₹23,882.18 in traditional method, ₹21,481.54 in improved method in Chikkaballapura district and ₹23,890.34 in traditional method ₹21,266.26 in improved method in Kolar district. The cost of cocoon production was found to be ₹34,207.87 in traditional method, ₹33,348.13 in improved method in Chikkaballapura district and ₹36,203.13 in traditional method, ₹33,758.71 in improved method in Kolar district. The role of silk cocoons concentration is very much important in production but the prices of cocoons are fluctuated. So there is a necessity to subsidize the silkworm rearing weavers. Price fluctuation is the major constraint faced by the farmers of sericulture in cocoon markets. So that the government should take care the proper regulation and dissemination of market information and there by stabilize the market price.
How to cite this article:
Architha S and Dr. C Murthy. Cost and returns of mulberry and cocoon production in Chikkaballapura and Kolar districts. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(1S): 493-498.