Development of back pack type butterfly sprayer
Amit Kumar and Dr. RK Naik
Vegetable crops are grown in row with stacking method at spacing of 1.2 m to 1.8 m. The yield of vegetable crop is reduced mainly due to crops ware damaged by insects pests and diseases. The existing knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer, and portable power sprayer with single nozzle lance takes more time and effort for spraying in vegetable crop grown in rows. Therefore arrangements of spray nozzle is provided with the back pack power sprayer, which moves up and down both side of the operator to spray both fronts of rows from top to bottom of vegetable crop. In developed sprayer during spraying, spray droplets behind the operator looks like wings of butterfly. On the basis of laboratory testing of nozzles, broad cone nozzle was selected for developed sprayer with operating pressure of 6 kg/cm². Field capacity of butterfly sprayer is 0.38 ha/h. Spraying cost of developed sprayer is 723 Rs/ha. Bio-efficacy of the developed sprayer was found to be 94%.
How to cite this article:
Amit Kumar and Dr. RK Naik. Development of back pack type butterfly sprayer. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(1S): 468-470.