Vol. 11, Special Issue 1 (2022)
Studies on seasonal effects on embryonic mortality percentage (Dead-in-shell) and hatchability percentage of VenCobb 430Y broiler breeder of sinner block at Nasik district, Maharashtra
Ugale Gaurav M, Bipasha David and Neeraj
The seasonal effect on hatchability and dead in shell at broiler breeder farm situated in Sinnar block of Nashik district, Maharashtra was assessed during the year 2020 to 2021 (March 2020 to February 2021). Hatchability percentage in winter season was 81.33% in summer 78.94% respectively; result showed that there was no significant difference found in hatchability percentage because there is no direct contact of outside climate and incubator climate. Early embryonic mortality were in winter season 3.51% and in summer season 3.46%, mid embryonic morality were in winter season 3.61% and in summer season 3.77% and in late embryonic mortality 3.02% and 3.88% in winter and summer season the result showed that there was no significant difference found in dead in shell but in both the treatment there 3.02% to 3.77% dead in shell this may be the effects of other Hatchability factors.
How to cite this article:
Ugale Gaurav M, Bipasha David and Neeraj. Studies on seasonal effects on embryonic mortality percentage (Dead-in-shell) and hatchability percentage of VenCobb 430Y broiler breeder of sinner block at Nasik district, Maharashtra. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(1S): 422-424.