Growth and development of paddy due to deferent amendments and nutrient management practices in sodic soil
Prakhyath KM, Prakash SS, Honnappa HM, Srinivasa N, Krishna Murthy R and Yogananda SB
Retrieving of productive potential of sodic soil is very essential to effective utilization of very important natural resource, soil. In this connection, field experiment was conducted at College of Agriculture, VC Farm, Mandya Karnataka to know the response of paddy to different amendments and nutrient management practices in sodic soil. In the investigation three types of nutrient management practices such as recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF), soil test crop response (STCR) and site specific nutrient management (SSNM) were used along with different amendments viz., gypsum, pressmud and different levels of mangala setright. The results of investigation revealed that application of fertilizers as per th RDF was found superior followed by SSNM and STCR approaches with respect to growth and development of paddy, though the results obtained were not significant among them. Application of pressdmud @ 100% GR recorded higher plant height, number of tillers, length of panicle, grains per panicle, grain and straw yield compared to no amendment control and other amendment treatments. Whereas number of panicles and productive tillers per hill were found higher in setright @ 600 kg ha-1 treatment. Among the interaction effect, fertilizer application based on RDF approach along with pressmud @ 100% GR as an amendment has significantly increased the grain and straw yield of paddy compared to many of other combinations which is closely followed by SSNM+ Pressmud @100%GR. Thus application of RDF with pressmud @100% GR or Mangala setright @ 400 or 600 kg ha-1 was economical in paddy production under sodic soil.
How to cite this article:
Prakhyath KM, Prakash SS, Honnappa HM, Srinivasa N, Krishna Murthy R and Yogananda SB. Growth and development of paddy due to deferent amendments and nutrient management practices in sodic soil. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(1S): 208-214.