Socio-economic characteristics of livestock farmer producer groups (Women self help groups) and implications for policy makers
Vani Kotha, Mallampati Srinivasa Reddy, Dhumantarao Thammi Raju and Amaravadhi Sarat Chandra
In order to assess socio economic characteristics of women members of Livestock Farmer Producer Groups, a survey was carried out in Mahaboobnagar and Siddipet districts of Telangana from February 2019 to August 2019. Data were collected from 120 respondents drawn from 20 Livestock Farmer Producer Groups using a structured interview schedule. Information on women members age, education, family size, land possession, livestock possession, knowledge on livestock rearing, information seeking behavior, decision making ability, innovativeness, social capital, management orientation and risk taking ability were obtained. Majority of the women were middle aged, illiterates, medium family size and marginal farmers. About 81.67 percent had herd size ranged from 1-15 livestock units. Information seeking behavior, innovativeness, knowledge, risk taking ability, and management orientation were in medium level. LFPG members were resource poor women farmers who have taken livestock rearing as income generating activity for livelihood security by making access to credit through LFPGs. Many of the women farmers were engaged in livestock rearing as part time or full time basis. The role played by the women members of LFPGs and their inclusion in different developmental programmes is the prime concern for livestock planners and policy makers in India.
How to cite this article:
Vani Kotha, Mallampati Srinivasa Reddy, Dhumantarao Thammi Raju and Amaravadhi Sarat Chandra. Socio-economic characteristics of livestock farmer producer groups (Women self help groups) and implications for policy makers. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(1S): 149-152.