Vol. 11, Special Issue 12 (2022)
Alteration in oxidative-stress biomarkers in bovine sub-clinical mastitis
Shubham Kumar, Rachna Varma, Rajesh Mandil, Harshit Verma and Shweta Anand
Present study was aim to evaluate alteration in oxidative stress biomarkers in erythrocytes and milk of subclinical mastitis cow (SCM) and to compare with healthy dairy cows. Twelve cows were selected and divided in two groups each having six dairy cows. Animals of group- I have no clinical signs of subclinical mastitis served as healthy control group while cows of group-II having positive for subclinical mastitis tests and clinical signs. There was an increased somatic cell count (SCC; 3.5x105 -4x105 /ml) in milk SCM group cow was observed as compared to control group (SCC; 2.5x104 -3x105/ml) cows. Significantly increase lipid peroxidation (LPO) level and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was observed in erythrocyte of SCM group while catalase (CAT) activity and total protein content was significantly (p<0.05) decline in SCM group cows when compared with healthy control group. Milk of SCM cows showed significantly higher (p<0.05) LPO level while SOD value and catalase activities in milk samples of subclinical mastitis were non-significantly decreased in comparison to healthy animal. Reduced glutathione level (GSH) was significantly lower (p<0.05) in milk of SCM cows but it was not differing significantly in erythrocytes of SCM cows as compared to healthy control animals’ milk. The total protein content was significantly higher (p<0.05) inmilk of SCM cows. Result of present study indicated that positive correlation existing between SCC and LPO. Present study concluded that subclinical mastitis may induce oxidative stress and altered the balance between antioxidant-oxidant system of mammary tissue and blood in animals suffering from SCM.
How to cite this article:
Shubham Kumar, Rachna Varma, Rajesh Mandil, Harshit Verma and Shweta Anand. Alteration in oxidative-stress biomarkers in bovine sub-clinical mastitis. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(12S): 95-99.