Clinical management of retained placenta in a graded murrah Bullalo by local and parenteral therapy
Dr. Jayaganthan P, Dr. Jagadeesan K, Dr. Arunmozhi N, Dr. Raja S, Dr. Prakash S, Dr. Alagar and Dr. Sathesh Kumar S
A pluriparous graded Murrah buffalo calved 4 times was came with history of calved female calf normally 30 hrs before and foetal membrane hanging from the vulva with foetid odour showing straining and anorexia. On clinical examination the animal was dull and depressed with rectal temperature of 39.2 °C. On vaginal examination, the foetid foetal membranes hanging from vulva and four finger dilatations of cervix with foul smelling sero sanguineous discharge comes out along with retained placenta. From the observations the case was diagnosed as retained placental membrane. Placenta was removed manually and to prevent metritis and further septicaemia the animal was treated by parental administration of Inj. Strepto Penicillin 5 gm, Inj. Meloxicam 0.5 mg/kg, Inj. Chlorpheniramine maleate 0.5 mg/kg were administered through intramuscular route for three days. In order to evacuate the placental remnants and uterine contents Inj. PGF2 alpha 500 micro grams administered through I/m route and advised to give Involon oral liquid first day 200 ml and second and third day 150 ml. Inj. Calcium borogluconate 500 ml, Inj. RL 1000 ml, Inj. Dextrose 25% 1000 ml Inj. Tribivet 30 ml were administered through intravenous route. Oxytetracycline liquid 60 ml through intrauterine route for three days. After days and the animal had an uneventful recovery.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Jayaganthan P, Dr. Jagadeesan K, Dr. Arunmozhi N, Dr. Raja S, Dr. Prakash S, Dr. Alagar and Dr. Sathesh Kumar S. Clinical management of retained placenta in a graded murrah Bullalo by local and parenteral therapy. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(12S): 20-22.