Residual effect of chlorpyriphos and monocrotophos on soil bacteria and growth of earthworm
R Jayashree and A Suganthi
Incresed demand for food to sustain the ever increasing world population has led to massive increase in industrial and agricultural activities. Modern agricultural practices also increased the usage of pesticides and fertilizers. The indiscriminate usage of pesticides may lead to soil contamination. About 99% of applied pesticides are not reached to the target organism and persist in the environment for a long time. Soil samples were collected from five intensive vegetable growing area of Ottanchathram Block. Conduted pot culture study to monitor survival percentage, weight loss of earthworm, soil bacterial population and microbial activity for six weeks. The concentration of chlorpyriphos ranged from 0.04 mgkg-1 to 0.1 mgkg-1 and maximum (0.1mgkg-1) was recorded in the Cauliflower field of Thasarapatti and Arasappapillaipatti village. The result revealed survival and weight loss was maximum in soil samples collected from Cauliflower field when compared to Bhendi and Chilli field. The observation taken on first week showed 63% reduction in weight and then weight loss is very slow from second week. At the end of sixth week 40% reduction was observed. Village of Veeralapatti soils showed 60% reduction in Cauliflower, Brinjal, Bhendi and Chilli field samples. The CO2 production during first and 6th week of incubation by 17% and 38% respectively. The most adverse effect was seen with soil contaminated with chlorpyriphos when compared to monocrotophos.
How to cite this article:
R Jayashree and A Suganthi. Residual effect of chlorpyriphos and monocrotophos on soil bacteria and growth of earthworm. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(9S): 615-622.