A study on input contribution, constraints & suggestions involved in the production and marketing of maize in Nabarangapur district of Odisha
Soumya Sakti Dash, Rajeeb Kumar Behera and Chitrasena Padhy
Maize is an oat grain initially grown by native people groups in southern Mexico around 10,000 years ago and now has turned into a staple food in many pieces of the world, with the major adoption of maize outperforming that of wheat or rice. It is additionally utilized in making ethanol and other biofuels. In this study, Umerkote and Raighar block were purposively selected out of 12 blocks of Nabarangapur district of Odisha. The sample size covered 120 maize growers was taken into consideration for the study. The study revealed that at land preparation stage major contribution (90%) was by the farmers themselves where as more than 50% of the contribution of the dealers /distributors are observed at Procurement of seeds, fertilizers and plant protection chemicals and soil treatment stages. The majority of the respondents stated that Lack of irrigation facilities (96.7%) and erratic climatic conditions (91.7%) as primary constraint in production where as fluctuation in market price (95.8%) and distress sale of the produce (90.8%) as a prominent marketing constraint faced by them in the production and marketing of maize. The majority of the respondents stated various suggestions to face the problems including proper irrigation facilities (94.29%) and lower price of the inputs (90.8%) should be taken into consideration with immediate effect to improve the production and marketing efficiency of maize cultivation.
How to cite this article:
Soumya Sakti Dash, Rajeeb Kumar Behera and Chitrasena Padhy. A study on input contribution, constraints & suggestions involved in the production and marketing of maize in Nabarangapur district of Odisha. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(9S): 491-494.