Vol. 10, Special Issue 8 (2021)
Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of some topical herbal formulations in the management of mange and dermatophytosis in cattle
Kamal Tewari, Kamal Pant, Kotagiri Ravikanth and Bhaskar Ganguly
Mange and dermatophytosis are common veterinary problems of cattle in most parts of the world. Topical formulations based on essential-oils of plant origin form an important component of traditional and contemporary therapies for these diseases. These agents relax the requirements for protracted differential diagnosis and also tackle mixed infections successfully. A clinical trial was undertaken to compare the efficacy of some topical essential-oil based formulations in clinical cases of mange and fungal dermatitis in cattle. 24 cattle suffering from these diseases were assigned to either of three (03) equal groups. Group T1 received treatment with AV/CPS/23 spray (M/s Ayurvet Ltd., India); Group T2 with competitor Brand A; and Group T3 with competitor Brand B. The response of the animals to the treatment was evaluated using an efficacy index based on the proportion of animals cured within each group and the severity of the cases successfully cured. Amongst treatments, AV/CPS/23 spray was found to be most effective for the management of mange and fungal dermatitis in cattle.
How to cite this article:
Kamal Tewari, Kamal Pant, Kotagiri Ravikanth and Bhaskar Ganguly. Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of some topical herbal formulations in the management of mange and dermatophytosis in cattle. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 1046-1048.