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Vol. 10, Special Issue 8 (2021)

Surgical management of splenic hemangioma concurrent with open cervix pyometra in a German Shepard dog

M Gokulakrishnan, M Bharathidasan, N Pazhanivel, G Sindhu and B Gowrishankar
A 12-year-old female German Shepard was brought to the Madras Veterinary College with a history of lethargy, dysphagia, abdominal distension and vaginal discharge. Physical and haemato-biochemical evaluations revealed anaemia, neutrophilia shift to left and thrombocytopenia. Ultrasonography and radiologic examinations revealed the presence of diffused masses in the spleen and multiple sacculations in the uterus. Whole Blood transfusion in order to treat the anaemia and thrombocytopenia. Total splenectomy and ovariohysterectomy was performed after blood transfusion. Histopathological findings revealed splenic hemangioma. Post surgical survival was favourable with less systemic complications and the dog had an uneventful recovery.
Pages: 1040-1042  |  452 Views  126 Downloads
How to cite this article:
M Gokulakrishnan, M Bharathidasan, N Pazhanivel, G Sindhu and B Gowrishankar. Surgical management of splenic hemangioma concurrent with open cervix pyometra in a German Shepard dog. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 1040-1042.

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