Antixenosis mechanism of resistance in certain selected brinjal germplasm for resistance to brinjal shoot and fruit borer
Lipsa Dash, Ladu Kishore Rath and Gouri Shankar Sahu
Field experiments were conducted during rabi 2016 and 2017 to screen one hundred and one brinjal genotypes to brinjal shoot and fruit borer. Seven germplasm comprising three under resistant category, two under moderate resistant category along with one each of resistant and susceptible check germplasm were selected for study of antixenosis mechanism of resistance operating in them. It was observed that the fruit infestation percentage in the selected germplasm were negatively correlated to plant height, trichome density and number of seeds in the pulp whereas, a positive correlation existed with fruit length, fruit diameter, pedicel length and calyx length. As far as insect response to brinjal germplasm was concerned, it was observed that the females of brinjal shoot and fruit borer were more alighted on susceptible check and moderately resistant germplasm than resistant germplasm and resistant check. Larval orientation was more on susceptible check and resistant varieties attracted less larvae than moderately resistant lines. The females laid more eggs on susceptible check than moderately resistant and resistant germplasm. There was evidence of strong antixenosis mechanism in the selected germplasm against brinjal shoot and fruit borer.
How to cite this article:
Lipsa Dash, Ladu Kishore Rath and Gouri Shankar Sahu. Antixenosis mechanism of resistance in certain selected brinjal germplasm for resistance to brinjal shoot and fruit borer. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 443-447.