Anatomical and ultrasonographic description of canine kidney and urinary bladder in normal and clinical conditions: A review
Jai Singh and Aman Kumar
The urinary system plays an important role in the excretion of waste products and the maintenance of electrolyte balance. Any pathology of the urinary system can cause metabolic disturbances and derangements of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance. The kidney and urinary bladder can be easily imaged by radiology for diagnostic purposes but ultrasonography is more sensitive than radiography for small parenchymal masses and changes in the internal architecture of the kidney. Renal ultrasonography is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows the characterization of internal renal architecture. The major advantage of ultrasonography is its ability to discriminate among renal capsule, cortex, medulla, pelvic diverticula, and renal sinus. The urinary bladder is ideally suited for this examination because of the superficial position and excellent acoustic properties of this fluid-filled organ. The understanding of the normal anatomy of kidneys and urinary bladder is essential for the precise diagnosis of their disease conditions. In various disease conditions, the changes are different anatomically as well as sonographically, depending on the nature of the disease.
How to cite this article:
Jai Singh and Aman Kumar. Anatomical and ultrasonographic description of canine kidney and urinary bladder in normal and clinical conditions: A review. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 659-663.