Role in decision making in household activities among working and non-working women
Ruchi, Vinod Kumari and Subhash Chander
In role and position of women in Vedic India was not only better rather they occupied a honorable place. Now a days women has equal participation in almost all type of activities. Participation of women in decision making about different activities decides the status of women. In India, there is currently a shift in decision-making pattern of women. The purpose of this study, entitled "Role in decision making in household and farm activities among Working and Non-Working Women " was to discover the decision-making patterns of working and non-working women in household activities, compare the decision-making patterns of working and non-working women in household activities, and identify the situation and difficulties faced by both groups. The present study was conducted to ascertain the participation of working and Non-working women in decision making. The study was conducted on 256 women of two districts i.e. Hisar and Kaithal of Haryana state. Four villages were selected from each district for the rural study and districts headquarters were selected for the urban study. From selected villages,8 working and 8 non working women were selected and 32 working and 32 non working were selected from district headquarter were surveyed with the help of pre-designed interview schedule as per objective. The participation of working women in household activities was examined on five point scale. It was found that 79.69% of the working women took decision independently regarding cleaning for house followed by caring of children & disable member in rural area (68.75%), welcoming and serving guest (59.38%) respectively. Among the non-working, 21.87% said that only their opinion was considered by their husband or family members.
How to cite this article:
Ruchi, Vinod Kumari and Subhash Chander. Role in decision making in household activities among working and non-working women. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 599-602.