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Vol. 10, Special Issue 8 (2021)

Stethorus spp: A predator of mites

Trivedi NP, Patel PB, Patel JP and Aniyaliya MD
Mites are considered as one of the major polyphagous non insect-pests which damage various crop plants causing yield and quality loss by sucking out the contents of plant sap. A major polyphagous mite specie, Tetranychus urticae (Koch) is classified under the family Tetranychidae which attacks on various crops and vegetables in field as well as greenhouses. Mites can be controlled by use of various acaricides, but as per present market demand, biological management of mites is getting very much attention. Stethorus spp. (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera) is a very efficient predator of mites being used as biological control. Larval and adult stages of Stethorus spp. are predatory in nature and it generally completes its life cycle in about 43 days. In general, third instar grub and adult stages are observed with the highest predatory potential for eggs, nymphs and adult stages of different mite species. Other than mites, it also feeds on aphids and their honeydew, whiteflies, floral nectars and pollens at some extent.
Pages: 389-394  |  689 Views  306 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Trivedi NP, Patel PB, Patel JP and Aniyaliya MD. Stethorus spp: A predator of mites. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 389-394.

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