Storage study of bael & whey protein enriched nutritional whey beverage
Rama Bankar, RJ Desale, Suchita Bhosale and Chetan Chougale
The research work on “Storage study of bael & whey protein enriched nutritional whey beverage” was conducted during 2018-2019 in the department of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science laboratory at Post Graduate Institute, M.P.K.V. Rahuri. The different level of bael fruit syrup T1(10), T2 (15), T3(20), T4(25), T5(30) and 0.7 per cent WPC added in chhana whey to prepare bael & whey protein enriched nutritional whey beverage. Samples of treatments were analyzed for sensory and chemical qualities on day 0 (fresh), 5th day, 10th day, 15th day and 20th day. The bael syrup enriched nutritional whey beverage samples were stored at refrigerated temperature (± 5 0C) during storage period upto 20 days. The standard methods of analysis were followed and the data were statistically analyzed. Bael and WPC enriched nutritional whey beverage was prepared by addition of 80 per cent chhana whey, 0.7 per cent WPC and 20 per cent bael fruit syrup (T3) was sensorily most acceptable having overall acceptability (8.69) with fat (0.54), protein (1.22), lactose (4.08), acidity (0.62), pH (4.22), ash (0.80), TS (19.22), moisture (80.81). The good quality nutritional whey beverage was stored upto 21 days at freezing temperature ± 5 0C.
How to cite this article:
Rama Bankar, RJ Desale, Suchita Bhosale and Chetan Chougale. Storage study of bael & whey protein enriched nutritional whey beverage. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 171-176.