Overview on seasonal abundance of major insect pests and their natural enemies on okra: A review
Vikas Chauhan, Sunil Dutt Vashisht, Lochan Sharma and Vishal Gandhi
The production and yield of this okra crop is quit often very much hampered, as high as 72 species of insect have been recorded on okra crop, of which, the sucking pests comprising of Aphids, leafhopper, whitefly, and mite, causes significant damage to the crop. The leafhopper suck the cell sap usually from lower surface of the leaves and inject toxic saliva into plant tissues, resulting in curling of leaves as a result the plant growth is retarded. The milky white minute flies; nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from the leaves. Whiteflies do acts as vector and transmit yellow vein mosaic viral diseased from disease plant to healthy plants. Aphids are considered as the major pest of okra. It is a polyphagous pest, attacking a wide range of plant belonging to 46 families. Aphids and leafhoppers are important pests in the early stage of the crop, which de-sap the plants, make them weak and reduce the yield. Failure to control them in the initial stages was reported to cause a yield loss to the tune of 54.04%. The fruit borers include shoot and fruit borers are the most horrendous pests causing serious turndown of the produce, in terms of quality as well as of quantity.
How to cite this article:
Vikas Chauhan, Sunil Dutt Vashisht, Lochan Sharma and Vishal Gandhi. Overview on seasonal abundance of major insect pests and their natural enemies on okra: A review. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 92-94.