Effect of silicon in rice against yellow stem borer infestation
S Dash, LK Rath and S Mohanty
The field experiment conducted during kharif, 2016 and 2017 at the Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar on the efficacy of silicon applied on rice through inorganic and organic sources either alone or in combination with bio fertilizers on yellow stem borer infestation revealed that out of twelve treatments the treatment CaSiO3+PF+KSB was more efficacious than CaSiO3+KSB and RHA+PF+KSB in reducing the YSB infestation. Impediment in larval penetration into rice stem following the deposition of silicon in plant tissue which was made available through the above treatments was the principal cause to reduce YSB infestation. High silicon content in the above treatments exercised induced defence mechanism against YSB infestation.
How to cite this article:
S Dash, LK Rath and S Mohanty. Effect of silicon in rice against yellow stem borer infestation. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 28-31.