Minimum support price for agricultural commodities in India: A review
Mukesh Kumar, Madhu Sharma and Keshav Kumar
An attempt has been made to study the Minimum Support Price for Agricultural Commodities in India: - A Review. The study conducted on the basis of secondary data collected from different resources like journals, magazines and officials sites previous researches also include in the study. The study analyzed the growth trend in minimum support price of main crops for a period of 2007-08 to 2021-22 and controversy in Indian agricultural policy. The MSP was 1.5 times the cost of all crops for the Kharif season 2020-21 announced by the government. As compared to the season 2019-20, the increase in the MSP in all the crops, in which the maximum increase in the Nigerseed crop which was 12.7 per cent as compared to the previous season. The study reveals that the growth rate of minimum support price of paddy, wheat, gram, cotton, mustard and green gram was 8.19,7.16, 9.42, 7.97 7.38 and 11.74 percent respectively. The study conclude that highest awareness about MSP in kharif season among the farmers of Delhi and Punjab which were 64.29 per cent and 52.94 per cent respectively followed by Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Telangana and Madhya Pradesh. Also conclude in the study MSP of crops are same all country but cost of cultivation are different so all farmer not equal profitable. Sawaminathan commission submits a report on the recommendation of Minimum Support Price announced by Government. In this report commission recommend 1.5 time MSP over C2 cost but current government announce 1.5 time price over A2+FL cost.
How to cite this article:
Mukesh Kumar, Madhu Sharma and Keshav Kumar. Minimum support price for agricultural commodities in India: A review. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 12-16.