Socio-economic profile of trainees and non-trainees broiler farmers
Rita Bharti and MP Sagar
Present study was conducted purposively, in Uttar Pradesh state as majority of farmers belonged to this state, who has received training from CARI, Izatnagar. Total sample size was 270 where 90 trainees, 90 non-trainee broiler farmers and 90 trainees non- adopter broiler farming were selected as a respondents. Data was collected through semi-structured interview and telephonic survey methods. The average age of respondents was 36.26, 40.02 and 32.71 years in trainee, non-trainee and non-adopters categories, respectively. Majority of the respondents belonged to other backward category (50.74%) followed by general (28.52%) and scheduled caste (20.74%) categories. Babu (2013), Pratap (2017) and Amit (2018) reported the similar finding. Dominating community (76.29%) were Hindu followed by Muslim community (23.7%) and other communities are negligible. Overwhelming majority (98.14%) of the respondent was literate and remaining 1.86 percent were illiterate. 54.07 per cent of respondents belong to nuclear family and 45.93 percent joint family. Babu (2013), Abdul et al. (2014) and Amit et al. (2018) also reported the similar findings. The average family size of respondents was 6.22, 6.02 and 5.91 in trainee, non-trainee broiler farmers and non-adopters categories, respectively. Over all family education status and land holding were 4.49 and 5.78 acres, respectively. 43.33per cent of the respondents have poultry farming as a primary occupation.
How to cite this article:
Rita Bharti and MP Sagar. Socio-economic profile of trainees and non-trainees broiler farmers. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(7S): 654-657.