Yield response of redgram genotypes in rainfed arid regions of Andhra Pradesh
C Radha Kumari and B Sahadeva Reddy
A field experiment was conducted to evaluate yield response of redgram varieties in alfisols of scarce rainfall zone under rainfed conditions for three consecutive years during kharif, 2013-14 and 2014 -15 at Agricultural Research Station, Ananthapuramu of Andhra Pradesh. Number of pods plant-1 was significantly influenced by varieties. Variety WRG 53 registered more number of pods plant-1 which was however comparable with PRG 158 and LRG 30 and significantly superior over other varieties tested. Among the varieties tested, WRG 53 recorded highest seed yield (353 Kg ha-1) which in turn on par with PRG 158 (330 kg ha-1) and PRG 100 (304 kg ha-1) significantly superior to other tested varieties. Number of seeds per pod, seed yield and harvest index were positively and significantly correlated with number of pods per plant.
How to cite this article:
C Radha Kumari and B Sahadeva Reddy. Yield response of redgram genotypes in rainfed arid regions of Andhra Pradesh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(7S): 139-143.