Weed flora associated in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under Kymore Plateau and Satpura hills of Madhya Pradesh
JK Kutariye, HS Kushwaha and ML Kewat
A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2016 and 2017 at the Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.). The investigation was aimed to study of various weed flora found in soybean under Kymore Plateau & Satpura Hills Zone of Madhya Pradesh. The ten weed control treatments comprising of four doses of propaquizafop + imazethapyr mixture (47+66, 50+70, 53+74, 56+78 g/ha), sodium acifluorfen + clodinofop- propargyl mixture (165+80 g/ha), alone application of propaquizafop (75 g/ha) and imazethapyr (100 g/ha) as post emergence, hand weeding twice at 20 and 40 DAS, weed free and weedy check, were laid out in randomized block design with four replications. Different weed flora observed in experimental field were classified as monocot like Echinochloa colona, Dinebra retroflexa, Cyperus rotundus, Cynodon dactylon and dicots like Eclipta alba, Mollugo pentaphylla, Alternanthera philoxeroides. The study also indicated that the infestation was maximum by monocot weeds (74.62 and 75.12%) in comparison to dicot weeds (25.38 and 24.88%) in soybean. The higher relative density (33.09 and 33.46%) was reported in case of Echinochloa colona followed by Dinebra retroflexa (23.04 and 23.25%) respectively, which had highest among other weeds under Kymore Plateau & Satpura Hills Zone of Madhya Pradesh. Application of propaquizafop + imazethapyr mixture at 56+78 g/ha as post-emergence recorded lower dry weight of monocot weed (5.99 and 4.71 g/m2) and dicot weeds (2.77 and 2.35 g/m2) with 95.20 and 95.92% weed control efficiency being statistically at par with hand weeding twice and weed free plots during both kharif season 2016 and 2017.
How to cite this article:
JK Kutariye, HS Kushwaha and ML Kewat. Weed flora associated in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under Kymore Plateau and Satpura hills of Madhya Pradesh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(7S): 132-136.