Effect of nitrogen levels and intercropping on nitrogen uptake parameters and chemical analysis of soil in pearl millet intercropped with legumes
G Jaya Prathiksha and Joy Dawson
This experiment was conducted to guage the effect of intercropping and nitrogen levels on nutrient uptake parameters and chemical analysis of pearl millet intercropped with legumes (cowpea and green gram). It was laid down in a randomized block design with thirteen treatments replicated thrice. The experiment was conducted during kharif 2017 and 2018 in Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. The Agronomic Efficiency, Physiological Efficiency and Agro-Physiological Efficiency were maximum in the sole cropping of pearl millet with nitrogen applied at 40 kg/ha. The chemical analysis of the soil revealed that the Organic Carbon, Electrical Conductivity and pH of the soil showed no significant difference between the treatments after the harvest of the crop.
How to cite this article:
G Jaya Prathiksha and Joy Dawson. Effect of nitrogen levels and intercropping on nitrogen uptake parameters and chemical analysis of soil in pearl millet intercropped with legumes. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(6S): 599-601.