Review on consumer awareness and preferences about fast foods and beverages
T Manasa and V Vijaya Lakshmi
Excessive expenditure towards purchasing of fast foods and beverages is being observed currently across the globe. Spending on Convenience food and liquid refreshments is at very high rate in both economically developing and developed nations. The foremost aim of this study is to recognize the responsiveness of clients about fast foods and beverages, evaluate the buying attitude of clients concerning fast-food and beverages, observe the expenditure incurred on fast food and drinks by clients and to be acquainted with the consumer preferences and satisfaction about junk food and liquid refreshments. Secondary sources were used in data collection. Easy accessibility of beverages in close proximity neighbourhood outlets as the driving force leading to the frequent intake of the fast foods and beverages by majority of the college students was concluded by the findings of the study. Soft drinks were mainly consumed universally next to Chocolates. These foods and drinks consumed by individuals were predetermined by advertisements and promotions made by celebs. To curtail the excessive fast-food intake in future, awareness programmes and suitable policy measures should be implemented.
How to cite this article:
T Manasa and V Vijaya Lakshmi. Review on consumer awareness and preferences about fast foods and beverages. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(6S): 234-239.