Vol. 10, Special Issue 5 (2021)
Nutritional status of farm women in India and Gujarat: An overview
Dipti S Thakar and Dr. Mita R Rajpura
The various domestic and agricultural drudgery activities by farm women require energy and strength to perform the tedious daily activities. The present study aims to understand the nutritional status of farm women in India and Gujarat state. The study is based on the various available secondary sources. The study concluded that the nutritional status of farm women both in India and Gujarat are not found to be satisfactory. It is found that the nutrient intake of farm women do not meet the Recommended Dietary Allowances. The various stakeholders need to educate the women about the importance of balanced diet to improve the work participation for economic growth.
How to cite this article:
Dipti S Thakar and Dr. Mita R Rajpura. Nutritional status of farm women in India and Gujarat: An overview. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(5S): 374-377.