Vol. 10, Special Issue 5 (2021)
Effect of cognitive intervention on class room adjustment of children with reading and mathematical disabilities
Dr. S Radhika
The aim of this experimental study is to evaluate the effect of Cognitive Intervention in 8–10-Year-Old Children with class room adjustment of children with Reading, math problem in Telangana govt. schools. This research consisted from 160 participants, children with ages differing between 8- 10 years. Cognitive Intervention Program has been applied to 80 children with reading and math learning disabilities that are in the experimental group. Other 80 children in the control. Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory (LDDI) (1997), General Mental Ability Test Sri Vatsava R.P. and Saxsena.K (2005) and Classroom adjustment intervention by Sinha& Singh (2006) tests were performed pre and after intervention. The results of analysis showed that there was significant difference between pre and post score of experimental group with improvement in class adjustment, reading and math performance of school children.
How to cite this article:
Dr. S Radhika. Effect of cognitive intervention on class room adjustment of children with reading and mathematical disabilities. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(5S): 341-344.