A review on infectious bursal disease in chickens (review article)
Dr. Pavani Veldi and Dr. Kannoju Archana
Infectious bursal disease is an acute, highly contagious and immuno-suppressive viral disease of young chickens caused by a double stranded non-enveloped RNA virus belonging to genus Avibirnavirus and family Birnaviridae. The extensive economic losses is due to high mortality especially in 3-6 week age birds, immune suppression and decreased performance that leads to increase susceptibility to infectious diseases and decrease response to immunization. The target organ of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is the bursa of fabricius which is a specific source for B lymphocytes. Even though turkeys, guinea-fowls, ostriches and ducks are infected with infectious bursal disease but clinical disease appears only in young chickens. The noticed clinical symptoms of IBD include ruffled feathers, whitish watery diarrohoea, unsteady gait and vent feathers soils with urates. The post-mortem lesions includes enlarged, edematous and hyperaemic bursa of Fabricius with bloody or mucoid contents and hemorrhages in the breast and thigh muscles. RT-PCR is the rapid diagnostic method for identification and characterization of existing and evolving IBDV strains. Prevention and control of IBDV is by vaccination and maintaining bio security measures, supportive therapy and immune-booster medicines may control the mortalities.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Pavani Veldi and Dr. Kannoju Archana. A review on infectious bursal disease in chickens (review article). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(3S): 05-07.