Participation of Self Help Group (SHG) members in agriculture and allied activities
More AG and Kharge AP
The present study conducted in two talukas viz. Parbhani and Selu were selected Purposively from Parbhani District and Three villages from each taluka were selected purposively, from each village ten respondents were selected. The study “Participation of Self-help group members in agriculture and allied activities” conducted namely Wadgao, Pimpalgao, Pedgao, Rawalgao, Dhanegao, Rawalgao, Kundi. The constituting total sample size is 120 respondents. The data were collected by personal interview method with the help of structured interview schedule. The data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted. Distribution of respondents according to on the basis of performance of women SHG in agriculture and allied activities. The Ex-Post-Facto research design was used for the research study.
How to cite this article:
More AG and Kharge AP. Participation of Self Help Group (SHG) members in agriculture and allied activities. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(1S): 155-158.