Pyometra in bitches: A haematological, biochemical and ultrasonographical study
Author(s): P Pati, PC Mishra and BK Patra
Abstract: Ten no. of non-pregnant bitches in diestrous phase (control group /Group I) and 10 nos of bitches showing symptoms of pyometra (Group II) were selected for study of haematological, biochemical and haemodynamics parameters. A highly significant difference (P< 0.05) was observed in the PCV and TLC values between normal dioestrus and pyometric bitches abut there is no significant difference in the haemoglobin level and TEC values. A significant (P< 0.05) increase in the mean of BUN, Creatinine and ALP level was observed in pyometric bitches as compared to control group. Control group bitches showed higher hemodynamic indices (PI & RI) and lower blood flow velocities (PSV and EDV) in comparison to pyometra group. As the blood flow in the uterine artery increases significantly during pyometra, these parameters can be used as a key parameter for diagnosis as well as therapeutic evaluation in canine pyometra.
P Pati, PC Mishra and BK Patra. Pyometra in bitches: A haematological, biochemical and ultrasonographical study. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(1S): 98-101. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2021.v10.i1Sb.5535