Diagnosis and clinical management of generalized myasthenia gravis in a dog
Enbavelan PA, Venkatesakumar E, Jeyaraja K and Ramprabhu R
A two years old male Labrador retriever weighing 45.4 kg was brought to Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli with complaints of exhaustion and fatigue for the past one month and inability to stand on its hind legs, loss of voice, vomiting immediately after taking food. Clinical examination showed depressed animal, congested and moist mucous membrane, fever (40.4 °C), tachypnoea (46/min), lateral recumbency, change in the voice, ptyalism and pelvic limb weakness. Haemato-biochemical evaluation revealed leucocytosis and neutrophilia, elevated alkaline phosphatase enzyme. Lateral thoracic radiograph showed megaesophagus. Myasthenia gravis was suspected and treated with fluids, antibiotics, nervine tonics for five days immunosuppressor and pyridostigmine for fifteen days. The animal was able to stand and walk, eat by its own after treatment.
How to cite this article:
Enbavelan PA, Venkatesakumar E, Jeyaraja K and Ramprabhu R. Diagnosis and clinical management of generalized myasthenia gravis in a dog. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(12S): 1835-1838.