Adoption of buffalo healthcare management practices by farmers of Banaskantha district of Gujarat state
DV Parmar, KJ Ankuya, VK Patel, MP Nande and MB Rajput
This study was conducted to study the adaptation of buffalo health care management practices by farmers. A sample of 150 respondents were randomly selected from the Banaskatha district of Gujrat state of India and Data were collected through face-to-face interview and analyzed by frequency and percentage. Data revealed that majority of farmers having old age, education up to primary level, belongs to the nuclear family, medium size landholding and annual income upto 1.5 Lakh. As concerned to adaptation of Buffalo health care management practices majority of farmers attended calving, gave special calving feed to buffalo after calving and follow colustrum feeding practices to calf. Majority of farmers got regular veterinary doctor service, regularly vaccinate an animal, gave ectoparasiticides, maintain clean shed after a regular interval, and provide mineral mixture in feed of buffalo.
How to cite this article:
DV Parmar, KJ Ankuya, VK Patel, MP Nande and MB Rajput. Adoption of buffalo healthcare management practices by farmers of Banaskantha district of Gujarat state. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(12S): 1160-1163.