Vol. 10, Special Issue 12 (2021)
In vitro regeneration of Nicotiana tabacum L. from callus culture
Sandhya Suhas Shinde, Sharad Bharat Sanap, Akshay Milind Patil, Nalini Arun Shinde, Abhijit Arun Daspute and Dipak Kachru Sarode
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is a model plant in the field of tissue culture, plant regeneration and plant transgenic. The present study reveals the procedure for the regeneration of tobacco plants by organogenic mode. 3rd to 4th node young tobacco leaves were used as explants in this experiment. The callus were formed after leaves cultured onto tobacco regeneration medium supplemented with MS+ 0.1 mg/l NAA+1.0mg/l BAP the percentage of callus produced at this concentration was 55% with a mean size 3.80 cm and mean weight of 5.30 g respectively. The highest numbers of shoots per explants were obtained on the media containing MS+1.0 mg/l BAP +1.0 mg/l NAA which produced shoots per explants.
How to cite this article:
Sandhya Suhas Shinde, Sharad Bharat Sanap, Akshay Milind Patil, Nalini Arun Shinde, Abhijit Arun Daspute and Dipak Kachru Sarode. In vitro regeneration of Nicotiana tabacum L. from callus culture. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(12S): 904-908.