A study on motivational factors of farmers to join farmer producer companies in North-Eastern Karnataka
Shweta Karadipatil, Dr. DM Chanadargi, Dr. SB Goudappa, Dr. Basavaraj Hulagur, Dr. DG Satihal and Dr. Pampanna Y
The study was conducted in purposively selected North-Eastern districts of Karnataka state. A total of ten Companies were purposively selected from the region in the year 2019. The respondents for the study were the members holding a share in the Company. The list of registered members was taken from each company growing multiple agriculture and horticulture crop thus twenty five respondents were randomly selected. Thus, a total of 260 registered member farmers were selected for the study. Ex-post-facto and exploratory research design was used for the study. The collected data was analyzed using Garret Ranking technique With respect to the motivational factors, majority of the farmers responded to the factor of availing price advantage through aggregation of produce (78.06 %) followed by timely availing low cost and quality inputs (63.64 %), to find new additional ways of marketing output (53.48 %) and to get procurement done at his door step in turn reducing the transportation cost (40.14 %) as the major motivational factors to join FPCs.
How to cite this article:
Shweta Karadipatil, Dr. DM Chanadargi, Dr. SB Goudappa, Dr. Basavaraj Hulagur, Dr. DG Satihal and Dr. Pampanna Y. A study on motivational factors of farmers to join farmer producer companies in North-Eastern Karnataka. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(12S): 431-433.