Pyometra in a female dog: A case report
Shilpa Sood, Nawab Nashirruddullah, Shafiqur Rahman, Ankur Sharma, Satuti Sharma and Minakshi Rajput
A seven year old female Labrador was presented to Veterinary Clinical Complex, F.V.Sc & AH, SKUAST-J, RS Pura, Jammu, with a history of abdominal distention, sanguino-purulent vaginal discharge, vomition, polyuria, polydipsia lethargy, depression and fever. Treatment was initiated immediately but the animal died after two days. Post mortem examination revealed presence of hugely dilated uterus in the abdominal cavity and about 5L of yellow to greenish thin watery off smelling exudate came out when the uterus was incised. The serosa of the uterine wall was severely congested. Microscopically, severe necrosis and sloughing of endometrium and atrophy of endometrial glands was seen. Myometrium was severely degenerated. Staphyloccocus aureus was isolated from the uterine exudate. On the basis of gross and histopathological examination and microbial isolation, it was confirmed to be a case of pyometra.
How to cite this article:
Shilpa Sood, Nawab Nashirruddullah, Shafiqur Rahman, Ankur Sharma, Satuti Sharma and Minakshi Rajput. Pyometra in a female dog: A case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(11S): 2618-2620.