Prognostic indicators in dogs with secondary pulmonary hypertension due to dilated cardiomyopathy
Basava Reddy K, Ansar Kamran C, Ramesh PT, Upendra HA, Suguna Rao and Mahesh V
Pulmonary hypertension being commonly diagnosed as secondary to an underlying cardiac disease. Better understanding of unfavourable prognostic indicators associated with pulmonary hypertension and its underlying disease helpful in management of cardiac patients and improve the quality of life. In the present study, among 165 dogs screened for cardiac disorders, 61 dogs (36.96%) were diagnosed with DCM out of which, ten (16.39%) dogs had mild (PAP=30-55 mm Hg) pulmonary arterial hypertension. Dogs with secondary pulmonary hypertension due to DCM had significantly higher LA/Ao ratio and elevated valvular regurgitation velocity compared to DCM dogs without pulmonary hypertension. In the present study, the unfavourable prognostic indicators in dogs with secondary pulmonary hypertension due to DCM were exercise intolerance, atrial fibrillation in ECG, pulmonary oedema and pulmonary artery dilatation on thoracic radiography; septal flattening, right ventricular dysfunction, decreased RPAD index, increased valvular regurgitation and pulmonary arterial pressure on echocardiography. In the present study DCM dogs with pulmonary hypertension had poor survival time than without pulmonary hypertension.
How to cite this article:
Basava Reddy K, Ansar Kamran C, Ramesh PT, Upendra HA, Suguna Rao and Mahesh V. Prognostic indicators in dogs with secondary pulmonary hypertension due to dilated cardiomyopathy. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(11S): 2493-2495.