Could roof modification in buffalo shed during summer affect skin temperature in heifers!
Amit, Subhasish Sahu, Ravinder Saini, Archana Sarangi, Devender Singh Bidhan, Man Singh, Sandeep and SK Chhikara
An attempt was made to study the effect of microclimate alterations on skin temperature of buffalo heifers during summer at buffalo farm of LPM, LUVAS, Hisar (Haryana). Twenty buffalo heifers (8-18 months of age) were divided into four groups (5 heifers in each group) viz. T1 (control): Corrugated asbestos roof; T2: Corrugated asbestos roof painted white on upper side; T3: Corrugated asbestos roof having EPE (Expanded polyethylene) sheet on lower side and T4: Corrugated asbestos roof painted white on upper side and EPE sheet on lower side. Skin temperature was recorded for every animal at 7:00 AM as well as 2:00 PM at fortnightly intervals. The overall skin surface temperature at different body locations was always significantly (P<0.05) high in T1 at 7:00 AM as well as 2:00 PM. So it can be concluded that heifers kept in EPE sheet in modified sheds (T3 and T4) kept the values of skin temperature on lower side proving its superiority for thermal insulation, whereas; asbestos roofs without any modification (T1) got heated up in the forenoon and releases heat as thermal radiation in afternoon causing heat stress in heifers.
How to cite this article:
Amit, Subhasish Sahu, Ravinder Saini, Archana Sarangi, Devender Singh Bidhan, Man Singh, Sandeep and SK Chhikara. Could roof modification in buffalo shed during summer affect skin temperature in heifers!. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(11S): 2366-2369.