Epidemiological investigation of parasitic infestation in dogs: A clinical study
Annu Yadav, Sunil Punia, Yudhbir Singh, Divya Agnihotr, Tarun Kumar and Maneesh Sharma
Dogs harbour zoonotic parasites that cause serious infections in humans, such as visceral larva migrans, ocular larva migrans, cystic echinococcosis, and alveolar echinococcosis. Studies on dog gastrointestinal parasites in different geographical locations are required to increase knowledge of the risk of canine zoonoses in human population. The presence of parasites was examined in 30 faecal samples collected from dogs that were registered in small animal medicine section of Veterinary clinical complex, LUVAS, Hisar , from July’ 2021 to August’ 2021. Oval, thin-shelled eggs with 8-16 embryonated cells of Ancylostomum caninum was the only garstrointestinal parasite found in 7 (23.3%) out of 30 faecal samples. Male, 0-4month old puppy and mixed dog breed were found to be predominantly affected. Treatment was started with tablet containing Praziquantel 50 mg, Pyrantel pamoate 144 mg and Fenbendazole 500 mg and ivermectin subcutaneously @ 200µg/kg in dogs with vomition. Only 3.33% of pet owners found to be aware of the risks for human health from canine intestinal parasites.
How to cite this article:
Annu Yadav, Sunil Punia, Yudhbir Singh, Divya Agnihotr, Tarun Kumar and Maneesh Sharma. Epidemiological investigation of parasitic infestation in dogs: A clinical study. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(11S): 2208-2212.