Status of shoot fly (Atherigona spp.) incidence in wheat in major wheat growing districts of North Karnataka
Suresh R Jambagi, DN Kambrekar, CP Mallapur and V Rudra Naik
Shoot flies (Atherigona spp.) are the members of muscidae family which have got economic importance as pest of several crops of Gramineae. During the recent past, crops like wheat, maize and bajra are suffering by shoot fly infestation with considerable economic damage to the crops. In this context, roving survey was conducted twice during rabi 2019-20 to know status of shoot fly incidence in major wheat growing districts of North Karnataka. The results revealed that the mean dead heart damage of shoot fly ranged from 12.41 to 26.62 per cent in different districts surveyed. The maximum shoot fly infestation of 26.62 per cent was reported in Dharwad followed by Vijayapura (17.38%), Bagalkot (13.26%) and least incidence was noticed in Belagavi district (12.41%). Irrespective of the districts, late sown wheat crop (last week of December) suffered greatly than the early sown (first week of October) or normal sown wheat crop (first week of November).
How to cite this article:
Suresh R Jambagi, DN Kambrekar, CP Mallapur and V Rudra Naik. Status of shoot fly (Atherigona spp.) incidence in wheat in major wheat growing districts of North Karnataka. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(11S): 2032-2035.