Abstract:The present study entitled “Formulation of whey based banana beverage with Lemon Grass Distillate”
to optimize the levels of banana extract and lemongrass distillate in whey beverage, to investigate the sensory qualities of whey based banana beverage. The levels of banana extract, sugar and lemongrass distillate for final experimental trials were finalized in pre-experimental trials.
On the basis of sensory evaluation the levels of 11, 13, 15 and 17 percent banana extract 0.1 percent lemon grass distillate and 8 percent sugar were selected for further study.
The sensory evaluation carried out by the panel of semi-trained judges, showed that the different levels of banana extract had a significant effect on improving the quality regarding colour and appearance, consistency, flavour and overall acceptability of beverage. The sensory evaluation indicated that, the beverage prepared by using 13 per cent banana extract (T2) had highest score for colour and appearance 8.50, consistency 8.12, flavor 8.50 and overall acceptability of product was 8.55 by using 9 point hedonic scale and ranked as the most acceptable treatment.