Potential of hydroponics fodder production for sustainable livestock production
SR Lende, SF Nipane, PP Nimje, AP Dhok, SB Kawitkar, SV Chopade, MR Jawle, PK Bacche and RL Werulakar
Fodder grown hydroponically is the transformation of seeds into good quality, organic, palatable, disease free lush green grass and root combination animal feed produced in a specially prepared hydroponic unit. Hydroponics fodder technology can be used for production of various forage crops. Hydroponics fodders are good sources of chlorophyll, good sources of antioxidants and are highly nutritious which aid in developing stronger immune system. Hydroponics fodder production requires less maintenance, no fuel cost, no need of soil preparation, less man power and no damage from insects and other animals.
How to cite this article:
SR Lende, SF Nipane, PP Nimje, AP Dhok, SB Kawitkar, SV Chopade, MR Jawle, PK Bacche and RL Werulakar. Potential of hydroponics fodder production for sustainable livestock production. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(11S): 349-351.