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Vol. 10, Special Issue 11 (2021)

Comparative study on qualitative attributes of faculty members of affiliated and constituent agriculture colleges

Dhanashri D Yadav, Dr. Swati S Khandave and MB Gund
Education plays an important role for the development of individual, community, state and nations too. Agricultural education institutions have a remarkable role in the development of agriculture sector and the effectiveness of higher education is dependent on the quality of teaching offered by its faculty members. In present investigation total 140 respondents were selected for study, of which 50 were from constituent colleges and 90 were from affiliated colleges under Kolhapur region. Data was collected by personally interviewing respondents with the help of specially designed interview schedule. In affiliated colleges Majority of respondents (76.66%) belonged to young age group, more than three fifth (61.11%) had completed post-graduation, more than three fifth (62.22%) having no membership in professional forums/societies, nearly two third (65.55%) not contributed in research, two third (66.66%) had low level of job satisfaction. Whereas, in constituent colleges two third of (66.00%) respondents belonged to middle age group; great majority (82.00%) had completed Doctorate degree, more than two fifth (46.00%) had low membership in different professional forums/societies, nearly three fourth (74.00%) low to medium research contribution, more than two third (68.00%) had medium level of job satisfaction.
Pages: 329-331  |  437 Views  102 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dhanashri D Yadav, Dr. Swati S Khandave and MB Gund. Comparative study on qualitative attributes of faculty members of affiliated and constituent agriculture colleges. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(11S): 329-331.

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