Dynamics of cropping pattern in Koppal district of Karnataka with special reference to Gangavathi taluk
Pooja, KB Umesh and Pavithra KN
The evaluation of changes in cropping patterns in various places is critical for gaining a better understanding of the agricultural development method. The goal of this study was to look into the dynamics of cropping patterns in the Koppal region of Karnataka, particularly in the Gangavathi taluk from 2005-06 to 2015-16 and the data was collected from the Government of Karnataka's Directorate of Economics and Statistics. The study's main findings revealed that the district has shown crop diversification and that Gangavathi taluk is heading toward specialisation. During the study period, the taluk's transitional probability score revealed that the probability of transitioning from fruits to cereals and minor millets was highest (0.75). Cereals and minor millets have a probability of area of 0.48, while oilseeds have a probability of 0.75. As a fact, the majority of cereals and minor millets grown in the Gangavathi are paddy, and the retention probability of cereals and minor millets is highest in the taluk, as most farmers continue to cultivate paddy throughout the year. Furthermore, the study assessed the instability index of key crops to determine which crop had the most stable area throughout the previous decade, and it was clear that the paddy crop had the least unstable index when compared to other crops in the area. There is more flexibility in crop selection to elevate agriculture to the forefront of property development, which must be included in research and extension programmes.
How to cite this article:
Pooja, KB Umesh and Pavithra KN. Dynamics of cropping pattern in Koppal district of Karnataka with special reference to Gangavathi taluk. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(11S): 257-261.