Influence of potting media on growth of succulents under shade net condition
Vishal Lodhi, Vijay Bahadur and Samir Ebson Topno
The present experiment was carried out during December 2020 to March 2021 under 50% shade net conditions at Horticultural Research Field, Department of Horticulture, SHUATS, Prayagraj. The experiment was conducted in Factorial Completely Randomized Design (FCRD), with two factors involving five succulents (Factor A) with three potting media combinations (Factor B) each Replicated thrice. The succulent plants were S1 (Crassula ovata), S2 (Pachyphytum hookeri), S3 (Senecio rowleyanus), S4 (Sedum rubrotinctum) and S5 (Crassula capitella) with potting media combinations M1 (Soil + Vermicompost + Sand), M2 (Soil + Sand + Vermicompost + Charcoal) and M3 (Cocopeat + Perlite + FYM).Observations were recorded on shoot parameter, root parameter, survivability percent and potting media performance and subjected to statistical analysis. On the basis of results it was found that succulent S3 (Senecio rowleyanus) was found to be best in Prayagraj in terms of maximum plant height (cm), no. of leaves, leaf thickness (mm), no. of pups and no. of roots after 90 days. Maximum plant spread, root length and root spread were recorded in S5 (Crassula capitella), maximum leaf area was recorded in S1 (Crassula ovata). Succulent S1 (Crassula ovata) recorded minimum no. of leaves, no. of pups and no. of roots. Minimum leaf area and root spread were recorded in succulent S3 (Senecio rowleyanus), minimum plant spread and root spread was recorded in S4 (Sedum rubrotinctum), minimum plant height and survivability was recorded in S2 (Pachyphytum hookeri), minimum leaf thickness was recorded in S5 (Crassula capitella). In terms of potting media of different succulents, potting media M2 (soil + sand + vermicompost + charcoal) was found best in terms of maximum plant height (cm), leaf thickness (mm), leaf area (cm2), no. of pups and root length (cm). Maximum plant spread (cm2), no. of leaves, root spread (cm2) and no. of roots were observed in M3 (Cocopeat + Perlite + FYM). Potting Media M1 (Soil + Vermicompost + Sand) recorded minimum plant height (cm), no. of leaves, leaf thickness (mm), leaf area (cm2), no. of pups, root length (cm), root spread (cm2), no. of roots and survivability of succulents, minimum plant spread was recorded in M2 (Soil + Sand + Vermicompost + Charcoal).
How to cite this article:
Vishal Lodhi, Vijay Bahadur and Samir Ebson Topno. Influence of potting media on growth of succulents under shade net condition. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(11S): 101-104.