A survey on hygienic practices followed by the street vendors in Guntur town, Andhra Pradesh
Induja Madgula, K Lakshmi, J Lakshmi and K Dhana Sree
Food preparation always requires proper hygienic practices such as cleanliness, sanitation and better handling techniques. A study was conducted to explore the hygienic practices followed by street food vendors in Guntur town, Andhra Pradesh, India. To carry out the study, the town was divided into four equal quadrants. From those four quadrants a total of 60 vendors who were selling snacks such as samosa, punugu, bajji and jilebi were selected by using Random sampling technique. A survey was carried out by using a structured questionnaire among those selected vendors to collect the information regarding their vending practices. Through the study it was observed that only 53.3% of total vendors were following average hygienic practices, 40% of vendors did not follow any hygienic practices and 6.6% were following very poor practices at the site of vending during preparation and selling of food. These observations and findings suggest that the street food scenario in the town was quite disturbing and requires stringent steps to improve practices.
How to cite this article:
Induja Madgula, K Lakshmi, J Lakshmi and K Dhana Sree. A survey on hygienic practices followed by the street vendors in Guntur town, Andhra Pradesh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(10S): 1237-1239.